ChurnZero supports integration with Higher Logic Vanilla to record the activity of the members of your community. Read below for details on the requirements for the integration and the behavior/rules of the sync.
Authentication Requirements:
In order to connect the integration, you will need the following information from Vanilla:
- Host: This is the base URL of your community (ex:
- Personal Access Token: This is the access token generated to give access to Vanilla. You can find instructions on how to find this token in Vanilla here.
You do not have to create any webhooks. Authenticating the integration automatically creates the webhooks.
Note: Webhooks are not on by default for all Higher Logic Vanilla Customers. You can verify this by logging into your Community Dashboard and looking under "API Integrations". You should see "Webhooks" as a section. If not, you must contact Higher Logic Vanilla support in order to turn wehbhooks on for you.
Setup and Configuration
After you complete authentication, the configuration is complete. However, there are some configuration options you can change:
- Contact (Required): The contact configuration tells us how to match the activity from Higher Logic Vanilla to a contact in ChurnZero. This is set to map to an email by default, but you can choose to map it to something like a User ID that lives in both systems. This is a required field - the configuration will not save until it's filled out.
- Account (Optional): If you have duplicate contacts, you may find it easier to establish an account reference instead. To do this, you would need to have a value in Vanilla that matches a ChurnZero account attribute. This will help us to determine if the contact exists in multiple accounts.
Tracking Higher Logic Vanilla Activity
Once you've authenticated and gone through setup and configuration, admin users can begin tracking data using the Higher Logic Vanilla Activity table. (For more information, see: Adding and Editing Custom Tables.
Please note that, because the integration is implemented through webhooks, we cannot retrieve historic data. We only log information from the time of integration setup and onward.
The action types and fields you can track are:
- See in Vanilla: This is a direct link to the post in Vanilla.
- Contact Reference Field: Links the ticket to the contact in ChurnZero.
- Account Reference Field: Links the ticket to the account in ChurnZero.
Action: This is the category of the tracked action, which you can see below.
- Post Added
- Comment Added
- Group Created
- Joined Group
- Left Group
- Comment Reaction
- Discussion Reaction
- Badge Received
- Answer Accepted
- Answer Rejected
- RSVP to Event - Yes
- RSVP to Event - No
- RSVP to Event - Maybe
- Name: The name of the activity, which is usually the name of the associated action. The value you see here is determined by action type.
Type: Gives more information about the activity.
- NOTE: You may not see a value for this field. It is not present for every activity.
- Activity Date: The date the action happened in Vanilla.
- User Custom Fields: If you have created custom fields, you can use this field to add them to the table.
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