Prerequisite: Before implementing token-based authentication for Success Centers, the ChurnZero Javascript must be installed in your application. |
Authentication ensures you have explicit control over who can access a Success Center and view its content. When a contact (i.e. one of your users) attempts to open a Success Center, ChurnZero will reach out to an endpoint controlled by you and request validation that the Success Center can be shown for that contact. You can use cookies or tokens to authenticate your users.
For more information on how to implement Success Centers if you have different domains for each account, see Multi-Tenant Authentication for Success Centers.
Required Information
To complete Success Center authentication, you will need to get some information from ChurnZero first.
Go to In-App Tools > Success Centers, then open the Success Center Authentication settings using the gear button in the upper right. Under the Authentication Endpoints, retrieve:
Success Center Contact Lookup
Success Center AuthCallBack
In the Admin, go to Data > Application Keys. Create an application key, or copy an existing one, that you intend to use for authentication.
Configuration Overview
Once you have your application key, Success Center Contact Lookup URL, and Success Center AuthCallBack URL, there are two steps to configure token-based authentication.
First, configure your Authentication URL. This is the URL where contacts will be redirected to for authentication and where you will call the Success Center Contact Lookup URL to retrieve an auth-token for the contact.
Once your Authentication URL is configured, within ChurnZero go to In-App Tools > Success Centers and click on gear button in the upper right to open Success Center Authentication. Under Configuration Information, fill out two pieces of information:
Authentication URL
Hash Secret
Configuration Detail
Authentication URL
The Authentication URL is a URL within your system that handles authentication requests. Your Authentication URL will need to authenticate the contact, retrieve a single-use auth-token from the Success Center Contact Lookup URL, and then redirect the contact back to the ChurnZero Success Center AuthCallback URL with the "next" querystring parameter that was passed in and the auth-token.
For example, a Contact attempts to view a Success Center:
The contact will be redirected to your authentication URL:
Response: HTTP 302
Location: https://your-domain/authentication-url?next={successcenter-public-key}
Your Authentication URL then validates the contact, retrieves an auth-token via the ChurnZero Success Center Contact Lookup URL as described below, and then redirects the contact to the ChurnZero Success Center AuthCallback URL:
Response: HTTP 302
Location: https://your-churnzero-vanity-url/SuccessCenterCallback?token={retrieved-auth-token}&next={successcenter-public-key}
Note: The Success Center and its content is added to your application’s page via an HTML iframe element. ChurnZero sets the src attribute of this iframe to a dynamic URL. The {successcenter-public-key} is a generated string of characters that is a piece of this dynamic URL. This dynamic URL is created and manipulated solely by ChurnZero. The {successcenter-public-key} is not something that your developers need to create or provide during setup. This URL query parameter is created and managed exclusively by ChurnZero. No action is required from your development team. |
Authenticating the User
Depending on the authentication method used in your application, you may choose from one of the two methods below.
Cookie Authentication
If you use a cookie to authenticate your users, no further action is required. When ChurnZero redirects to your Authentication URL, the cookie you include will be present.
Token Authentication
If you use bearer tokens, you will need to use the snippet below prior to calling ChurnZero.push(['setContact', ...]) to ensure that the token can be included with the redirect to your Authentication URL. ChurnZero will serialize the object returned from the provided function into query parameters on redirect. You can then accept the query parameters on your authentication URL to verify the user's token.
ChurnZero.push(['setAuth', () => ({
"parameterName": "tokenValue"
// This will cause ChurnZero to redirect to the following during the authentication flow
// <https://your-authentication-url?parameterName=tokenValue>
Retrieving an Auth Token for a Contact
You will need:
Your AppKey
Your Success Center Contact Lookup URL
The AccountExternalID for the contact
The ContactExternalID for the contact
You'll be making a POST request to the SuccessCenterContactLookup URL with the following HTTP information:
1. Request Body (application/json) with the following shape
2. X-Signature Header
This header's value will be an HMAC (SHA256 hash) with a message of the request body from above and a secret of your Hash Secret found in the configuration modal. (See Configuration Overview above for where to find that.)
For more information on generating HMACs see the "How do I generate HMACs?" article. |
An example HTTP request would be:
POST https://your-churnzero-vanity-url/SuccessCenterContactLookup HTTP/1.1
X-Signature: <HMAC_FROM_ABOVE>
Content-Type: application/json
Redirecting to the SuccessCenterCallback URL
A successful response from the SuccessCenterContactLookup will contain JSON that has an authToken property:
{ "authToken": "<auth_token>" }
After receiving this response, you will 302 Redirect back to ChurnZero's SuccessCenterAuthCallback endpoint with a URL encoded version of this auth token and the next query string parameter mentioned in the Authentication URL Section.
An example redirect URL would be: https://your-churnzero-vanity-url/SuccessCenterCallback?token={url_encoded_auth_token}&next={next_query_string_parameter}
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